It all depends. Being able to make an all-cash offer on a house will usually give a buyer an edge in a multiple offer situation. But if you are one of the vast majority of buyers who don’t have the hefty sum that it takes to pay cash for a ...
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Over the weekend a property came on the market that many of the neighbors have regarded as the local Addams Family house. While I know most of my neighbors, this seller was sort of a mystery man – a recluse. In over 30 years I’ve lived in this neighborhood and walked my ...
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OK, I won’t go so far as to call the real estate reports in the national media as “fake” news. But most of what you read and hear about your real estate market in the media is based on data that applies to the nation as a whole, and all ...
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Here in DC, our residents tend to be quite focused on politics. Many of my clients have worked as reporters, attorneys or lobbyists who are concerned with what Congress, the regulatory agencies and the White House might be doing. Others work for on the Hill or at the Department of Whatever. So ...
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Many of the buyers I’ve helped find new homes are, like me, animal lovers. And it’s important that they find a place where the furry family member is welcome. With houses, there usually isn’t an issue, but condos and coops are a very different story. Most condo and coop ...
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St. Anthony and the Lucky Duck. Real estate agents, especially those with Irish ancestors, tend to be pretty superstitious. And I am quite typical, with a lucky cat on my desk in my office and a lucky cow painting that hangs behind my desk. My mother painted the cow, a Hindu ...
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